Event box

After attending this workshop, you will know how to:

  • Better organize your Zotero library with tags and collections.
  • Add notes and PDFs to your references.
  • Extract references from PDFs.
  • Use your free zotero.org account to backup your Zotero library, create groups, and share references. 

This workshop assumes a basic knowledge of importing references and generating bibliographies in Zotero. 

There will be laptops with Zotero loaded that you can use during the workshop. If you plan to use your own laptop, please install Zotero and a browser connector from https://www.zotero.org/download/ prior to the workshop. Also, go to Zotero.org and create an account.

Workshop location: 405 Moffitt Library. Please note that you must have your Cal ID to enter Moffitt.

Related LibGuide: Zotero by Jennifer Dorner

Thursday, September 12, 2019
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Other Campus Location (see event description)
Citation Management   Research Skills  
Registration has closed.


Jennifer Dorner

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