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By Design: Graphics & Images Basics

By Design: Graphics & Images Basics
Monday, April 22
D-Lab, 350 Barrows Hall
Lynn Cunningham, Library and Julie Wolf, Visual Resources Center

In this hands-on workshop, we will learn how to create web graphics for your digital publishing projects and websites. We will cover topics such as: image editing tools in Photoshop; image resolution for the web; sources for free public domain and Creative Commons images; and image upload to publishing tools such as WordPress. If possible, please bring a laptop with Photoshop installed. (All UCB faculty and students can receive a free Adobe Creative Suite license: https://software.berkeley.edu/adobe)

Related LibGuide: Literature in English by Bee Lehman

Monday, April 22, 2019
4:10pm - 5:00pm
Other Campus Location (see event description)
Data & Digital  
Registration has closed.


Profile photo of Lynn Cunningham
Lynn Cunningham

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