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UC Carpentries Coding and Data Management 2024 Workshop Series: The Unix Shell

The 2024 UC-wide Carpentries workshop series will take place online September 9-20. This workshop series is an 9 Day Carpentries Bootcamp that aims to teach participants basic concepts, skills, and tools for R in RStudio, Python in Jupyter Notebook, an introduction to the Unix Shell, Version Control with Git, SQL, OpenRefine, and Tidy Data. This series is designed for researchers and enables non-experts to develop computing skills for research analysis. We will cover basic concepts and tools, such as working with libraries and data frames, reading and plotting data, creating and using functions, the shell using command-line applications, cleaning and transforming data, and more.

This is a free workshop and is open to all University of California students, staff, and faculty.

Participants may register for one day or multiple sessions.

Workshop Schedule:

September 9: Tidy Data--Learn best practices and approaches to working with data in spreadsheets. 

September 10: The Unix Shell--Learn the basics of command line interface and about navigating and working within files and directories.

September 11: Version Control with Git--Learn how to manage work, edit code, and collaborate on a team project in a repository.

September 12: SQL--Learn about relational databases, how to import data, and how to run basic SQL queries.

September 16: Intro to Python part 1--Learn basic coding, concepts, how to access data, and use functions for data analysis using a web-based application – Jupyter Notebook.

September 17: Intro to Python part 2--Learn basic coding, concepts, how to access data, and use functions for data analysis using a web-based application – Jupyter Notebook.

September 18: Intro to R part 1--Learn basic coding, concepts, how to access data, and use functions for data analysis using RStudio

September 19: Intro to R part 2--Learn basic coding, concepts, how to access data, and use functions for data analysis using RStudio

September 20: OpenRefine--Learn how to use OpenRefine to clean, transform, and track changes made to data.


Dates/Times: September 9-20, 2024 from 8:30am–12:30pm

Location: Zoom

Workshop Series & Registration Webpage: https://jt14den.github.io/2024-09-09-UC/

**Requirements: ** Participants must have a laptop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system (not a tablet, Chromebook, etc.) that they have administrative privileges on. Dual monitor screens are ideal for virtual workshops: Online workshop logistics and screen layouts.

Having a Great Online Learning Experience: A Guide for Students.

Please send an email to the workshop organizers for questions at speterso@berkeley.edu

Tuesday, September 10, 2024
8:30am - 12:30pm
Data & Digital  


Profile photo of Scott Peterson
Scott Peterson

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