UC Carpentries Coding and Data Management Fall 2023 Workshop Series: Intro to Python part 2
Event box
The 2023 UC-wide Carpentries workshop series will take place online September 11-21. This workshop series is an 8-Day Carpentries Bootcamp that aims to teach participants basic concepts, skills, and tools for R in RStudio, Python in Jupyter Notebook, an introduction to the Unix Shell, Version Control with Git, SQL, and Tidy Data. This series is designed for researchers and enables non-experts to develop computing skills for research analysis. We will cover basic concepts and tools, such as working with libraries and data frames; reading and plotting data; creating and using functions; the shell using command-line applications; cleaning and transforming data; and more.
This is a free workshop and is open to all University of California students, staff, and faculty.
Participants may register for one or multiple session days.
Workshop Schedule:
September 11: The Unix Shell--Learn the basics of command line interface and about navigating and working within files and directories.
September 12: Version Control with Git-- Learn how to manage work, edit code, and collaborate on a team project in a repository
September 13: Intro to R part 1-- Learn basic coding, concepts, how to access data, and use functions for data analysis using a RStudio
September 14: Intro to R part 2-- Learn basic coding, concepts, how to access data, and use functions for data analysis using a RStudio
September 18: Intro to Python part 1-- Learn basic coding, concepts, how to access data, and use functions for data analysis using a web-based application – Jupyter Notebook.
September 19: Intro to Python part 2-- Learn basic coding, concepts, how to access data, and use functions for data analysis using a web-based application – Jupyter Notebook.
September 20: Tidy Data-- Learn how to use this tool to clean, transform, and track changes made to data.
September 21: SQL-- Learn about relational databases, how to import data, and how to run basic SQL queries.
Dates/Times: September 11-21, 2023 from 8:30am–12:30pm
Location: Zoom
Workshop Series Webpage: https://ucsdlib.github.io/2023-09-11-uc-carpentries/
Registration: https://ti.to/ucsd-carpentries/uc-carpentries-fall-workshop-2023
**Requirements: ** Participants must have a laptop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system (not a tablet, Chromebook, etc.) that they have administrative privileges on. Dual monitor screens are ideal for virtual workshops.
Please send an email to the workshop organizers for questions at carpentries@ucsd.edu
- Date:
- Tuesday, September 19, 2023
- Time:
- 8:30am - 12:30pm
- Categories:
- Data & Digital